We are a growing company and we are located in Liverpool, Manchester and the Northwest. We are a new company being formed with the specific purpose of providing work experience and internships. We are intending to give the "Best" internship in the world. We provide opportunities for trainees to get experience working in UK Companies. Our main goal is to create 2400 careers in 7 years. We put together teams together from the Common-Wealth Countries to bring value to UK Companies and help UK companies grow, expand and get more customers and solve problems


Our mission is to create opportunities for young professionals giving them the skills, experience and talent which would help them to get an opportunity to work in the United Kingdom


To have a world where which country somebody is from is not relevant. Our vision is to make sure that anybody in a common-wealth country has the opportunity to learn and grow and earn more money Train people in commonwealth countries to use technology and innovation to earn more money through technology We have staff in our team working in different countries and we will be hiring more and more VAs to give them credibility and recognition

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Company Details

29 Rodney St, Liverpool L1 9EH, UK- 01513800520

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